A Voltage Sag Index Considering Compatibility Between System and Sensitive Equipment |
Lei Gang1, Gu Wei1, Yuan Xiaodong2 |
1. Southeast University Nanjing 210096 China 2. Jiangsu Electric Power Research Institute Nanjing 210036 China |
Abstract Because of the impact on users caused by voltage sags and the need of making the price by quality in the electric power market, this paper proves the necessity of evaluating voltage sags. On this basis, a voltage sag quantitative evaluation method is presented. In this method, ITIC and SEMI F47 curves are taken as the reference with system and equipment taking into account. The invariable weights and relational coefficients are respectively acquired by means of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the grey relational analysis (GRA). With the combination of relational coefficients and invariable weights, the variable weights are obtained and in the last the relational grades can be calculated. Less the relational coefficients are, more serious the voltage sags are. It shows that the proposed method can reflect the real disturbance levels of voltage sags after comparing with traditional energy indices.
Received: 26 November 2008
Published: 04 March 2014
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