Distribution Network Restoration Supply Method Considers 5G Base Station Energy Storage Participation |
Wang Xiaowei1, Kang Qiankun1, Liang Zhenfeng1, Guo Liang2, Zhang Fan1 |
1. School of Electrical Engineering Xi’an University of Technology Xi’an 710048 China; 2. Institute of Electric Power Research of Jiangxi Electric Power Company Nanchang 330000 China |
Abstract China has vigorously promoted the development of 5G communication in recent years. The number of 5G base stations is growing rapidly, greatly demanding energy storage capacity. At present, China's power supply reliability has improved. Base stations' energy storage is often in a dormant state, thus causing a large amount of energy storage resource waste. It is urgent to study how to use the base station's energy storage resources and play its energy storage value. This paper proposed a 5G base stations' energy storage scheduling model, which jointly participates in the power supply restoration of the distribution network by combining wind-solar output, thus reducing the power loss load of the distribution network. Firstly, the wind-solar combined output scenario set is established. The optimal Copula function in each period is determined by the Akaike information criterion and squared Euclidian distance, obtained the typical wind-solar output scenario set by sampling and clustering. Second, a backup energy storage model for 5G base stations is established. Different regions communication traffic volume models are established through sine function superposition. The synthetic vulnerability model is established by using the Theil's entropy and the modified Gini coefficient to determine the backup time and the backup storage model of each base station energy storage. Then the schedulable capacity of different base stations' energy storage is obtained. Finally, a two-stage robust optimization model considering the synergistic scheduling of base stations' energy storage and wind-solar output is established with the objective of minimizing the loss of load volume. Simulations are performed with the improved IEEE 33 node model. The results indicate that the reserve capacity of 5G base station' energy storage is directly proportional to the node vulnerability of the power grid and inversely proportional to the load level. Compared with the traditional fixed backup time, this paper's method can increase the base stations' callable capacity by 317 kW·h. When performing emergency power restoration to the distribution network, it reduced the lost load by 1 609 kW and the cost of lost power by ¥47 208.9 compared to the fixed backup time approach. At the same time, it can use the 5G base station's energy storage for wind power and photovoltaic absorption during the restoration of the power supply in the distribution network. Among them, the wind-light absorption rate increases by 0.007 9, 0.009 3, and 0.181 8 at the moments of t=14 h, t=15 h, and t=16 h, respectively, which in turn reduces the wind and light abandonment rate of the system and improves the distribution network economics. The following conclusions can be drawn from the simulation analysis: (1)Make full use of base station energy storage, improve the utilization rate of base station energy storage, and reduce the amount of distribution network load loss. At the same time, it can enhance the wind-solar absorption rate and reduce the degree of wind and light abandonment. (2)Combining the vulnerability of the grid node where the base station is located and the communication volume, the backup energy storage is dynamically determined, which can make full use of the energy storage resources of the base station and bring its value into play.
Received: 23 March 2023
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