Establishment and Experimental Analysis of Rigid Flexible Coupling Simulation Model for Multiphysics of Magnetic Latching Relay with Multi-Reed Structure |
Zhao Jingying1,2, Li Ning1,2, Zhang Xuehui2, Zhao Zhengyuan3 |
1. School of Electrical Engineering Hebei University of Technology Tianjin 300401 China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Reliability and Intelligence of Electrical Equipment Hebei University of Technology Tianjin 300401 China; 3. Xi'an Railway Signal Company Limited Xi'an 710010 China |
Abstract The magnetic latching relay exhibits a complex structure with weak consistency between components, leading to issues such as arc erosion and severe contact wear caused by increased bounce frequencies of the armature and iron core, affecting dynamic and static contacts. In extreme cases, contact welding adhesion causes significant changes in static and dynamic characteristic parameters, including pick-up time, pick-up voltage, and contact pressure. Therefore, theoretical analysis methods and simulation models for the magnetic latching relay are established, and changes in static and dynamic characteristics are analyzed. To improve the accuracy of simulation models, a multiphysics rigid flexible coupling simulation model is established. The magnetic latching relay serves as the research object. The structure topology and operation mechanisms of the relay are analyzed theoretically. The penetration depth between contacts is considered, and the Dirac delta function and the Heaviside function are introduced to solve problems of reed force dispersion and discontinuity between contacts due to collision and bounce. The reeds are equivalent to the cantilever beam, and a triple reed piecewise coupling dynamic model of the relay contact reed system is established based on the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory. Moreover, an error-based adaptive mesh generation method is introduced to solve the static characteristics of the electromagnetic mechanism in Ansys Maxwell. Considering the deformation effect of reed movement, a rigid-flexible coupling dynamic simulation model is developed based on modal theory in ADAMS. Finally, a rigid, flexible coupling simulation model for the multiphysics of electro-magnetic- mechanical motion is structured based on piecewise dynamics. An experimental scheme for the magnetic latching relay is devised using a high-speed camera and a current probe. An experimental platform is established to analyze the contact pick-up motion time, contact pressure, bounce time, and coil current to verify the effectiveness of the proposed analysis method and the multiphysics rigid-flexible coupling simulation model for the magnetic latching relay with a multi-reed structure. The inconsistency caused by different contact pressures during the manual assembly of reeds is analyzed in the relay operation process. The simulation results of magnetic latching contact pick-up motion time, contact displacement-time relationship, contact pressure, bounce time, and coil current are consistent with the experimental results. The following conclusions can be drawn. (1) Based on the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, the reeds of the magnetic latching relay are equivalent to cantilever beams, addressing sudden changes in dynamic characteristics by introducing the Dirac delta function and the Heaviside function. (2) The static characteristics are solved using the error-based adaptive mesh generation method in Ansys Maxwell. Based on modal theory, a rigid-flexible coupling dynamic simulation model of magnetic latching relay reeds is established, overcoming challenges in the initial moment of dynamic simulation. (3) An experimental platform is designed for the dynamic current of the coil and contact movement of the magnetic latching relay. The experiment and simulation errors for force-deformation relationships are around 3% for the common middle contact and reinforced middle contact reeds. The maximum errors of the contact pick-up motion time, contact pressure, bounce time, and coil dynamic current are 7.93%, 7.91%, 8.47%, and 7.25%.
Received: 31 March 2023
Published: 07 June 2024
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