Multi-Microgrid Cooperative Game Optimization Scheduling Considering Multiple Uncertainties and Coupled Electricity-Carbon Transactions |
Dong Lei1, Li Yang1, Chen Sheng2, Qiao Ji2, Pu Tianjiao2 |
1. School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China; 2. China Electric Power Research Institute Beijing 100192 China |
Abstract In the context of achieving dual carbon goals, establishing a multi-microgrid system with low-carbon operations is crucial for attaining energy conservation and emission reduction goals. In recent years, as the energy market evolves, microgrids have the capability to trade both carbon quotas and electric energy concurrently, which has greatly promoted the local consumption of internal resources in microgrids. However, for multi-microgrid systems, there are challenges arising from differing time scales and topological structures during the trading of electric energy and carbon quotas; at the same time, they will also encounter the influence of various uncertain factors, including the integration of new energy sources and fluctuations in electricity market prices. In order to solve the above problems, this paper constructs a multi-microgrid electricity-carbon coupling trading model that considers multiple uncertainties to proficiently oversee multi-microgrid systems engaged in electricity-carbon coupling trading. First, this paper builds a microgrid low-carbon operation model including power-to-gas (P2G) and carbon capture system (CCS) for a single microgrid. In each microgrid, in order to limit the carbon emissions of combined heat and power (CHP) units, a CHP unit operation mode coupling P2G and CCS is proposed. CCS captures CO2 generated by CHP units, and P2G equipment uses CO2 to generate CH4, which reduces carbon emissions and realizes energy recycling. On this basis, building upon the tiered carbon trading mechanism, we constructed a carbon emission cost model for a single microgrid that incorporates inter-microgrid carbon quota trading. Furthermore, accounting for the variability in new energy output and the uncertainty of electricity prices in the power market during practical operations, opportunity constraints and robust optimization methods are used to reduce the impact of uncertainty. Then, for multi-microgrid systems, utilizing Nash bargaining theory, we established a cooperative game model for the electricity-carbon coupling of multiple microgrids. Each microgrid entity can simultaneously engage in transactions within the central energy market and local energy markets, conducting both electricity and carbon emission quota transactions. In the final step, we decompose the non-convex cooperative game problem into two linearly solvable sub-problems, employing the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) algorithm for iterative problem resolution. In the case analysis, simulation analysis was conducted on three microgrids integrating multiple energy sources, including electricity, gas, and heat, to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method. At the same time, establishing a local energy trading market holds positive significance for enhancing the operation of the system's low-carbon economy. The case study yields the following conclusions: (1) The CHP unit operation mode coupled with P2G and CCS proposed in this article can successfully reduce carbon emissions within the integrated energy system. (2) Contrasted with the independent operation of each microgrid, cooperative operation through electricity-carbon coupling enhances the overall system benefits. Simultaneously, by engaging in carbon quota trading between microgrids, the multi-microgrid system can decrease the quantity of carbon quotas procured from external markets, thereby effectively lowering the system's carbon trading costs. (3) Taking into account the uncertainty of new energy output and electricity market prices enhances the resilience of multi-microgrid systems to operational risks.
Received: 02 January 2024
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