The Impact of Ice Accumulation Shape on the DC High Current Ice-Melting Time for a Single Conductor on Power Transmission Line |
Yang Guolin, Jiang Xingliang, Wang Maozheng, Hu Jianlin, Zhang Zhijin |
Xuefeng Mountain Energy Equipment Safety National Observation and Research Station Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China |
Abstract In winter, the icing of transmission lines has emerged as a significant threat to power grid safety. Scholars have diligently researched and developed numerous de-icing methods, categorizing them based on their working principles into mechanical, thermal melt-icing, passive, and other methods. Despite these alternatives, DC high current melt-icing technology remains the preferred choice for transmission line de-icing. This study focuses on the actual operating conditions of single wire icing shapes on transmission lines, using three wire types (LGJ-240/30, LGJ-300/50, and LGJ-400/35) to calculate and analyze the DC high current melt-icing time for both circular and wing-shaped ice. Under the same wire type, an increase in melt-icing current density leads to a shorter melt-icing time for circular ice. For instance, when the current density increased from 1.5 A/mm² to 3 A/mm², the melt-icing time for circular ice decreased by 21.78%, 22.13%, and 22.55% for the three wire types. Similarly, with the same melt-icing current density, a larger wire cross-section results in a shorter circular ice melt-icing time. Comparing wire types from LGJ-240/30 to LGJ-400/35, the latter's melt-icing time was 70.73%, 72.26%, and 73.25% of the former across the three current densities. The impact of melt-icing current density on circular ice melt-icing time is more significant than the wire type under the same ice-covered environment. The pattern of melt-icing time variation with current density and wire type for wing-shaped ice mirrors that of circular ice, but numerically, the melt-icing time for wing-shaped ice is notably smaller. The ratio β, representing the wing-shaped ice melt-icing time to circular ice melt-icing time, ranges from 9.27% to 11.55%, with an average of 10.49%. In natural DC high-current melt-icing, LGJ-300/50 wire's wing-shaped ice melt-icing time was 10.6% of the circular ice melt-icing time, and for LGJ-400/35 wire, it was 8.3%. Consequently, the paper suggests inhibiting circular ice formation to promote wing-shaped ice growth as a means to reduce DC high current melt-icing time and decrease energy consumption.
Received: 18 January 2023
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