Coordinated Control of Active and Reactive Power of PMSG-Based Wind Turbines for Low Voltage Ride Through |
Li Heming,Dong Shuihui,Wang Yi,Ren Yazhao |
State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Powor System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China |
Abstract This paper investigates the control and operation of the mutil-pole permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG)-based wind generation systems employing the full-scale frequency converter under network fault conditions. The factors inducing the DC-link voltage oscillations during grid voltage dips are analyzed,and a novel control strategy is proposed. In the novel control scheme,the generator-side converter is employed to maintain a stable DC-link voltage,while the grid-side converter is used to realize the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) and the coordinated control for the active and reactive power. According to the DC-link voltage variation during the grid voltage dips,the generator-side converter is controlled to regulate the PMSG electromagnetic power,which translates the unbalance power of the DC-link side into the generator rotational rotor so as to maintain the constant DC-link voltage. Meanwhile,the grid-side converter is employed to realize the coordinated control strategy for the active and reactive power output of the grid-side converter according to the grid voltage change level. The simulation results implemented in Matlab/Simulink show that the proposed control strategy in this paper not only significantly improves the LVRT capability of PMSG by means of suppressing the DC-link voltage oscillation during voltage dips,but also effectively provides a dynamic reactive power support to contribute to the grid voltage recovery.
Received: 06 January 2012
Published: 11 December 2013
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