Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society  2024, Vol. 39 Issue (5): 1256-1269    DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.222269
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Analysis and Design of Compensation Network for Two-Coil Wireless Power Transfer System with Variable Constant Voltage Gain Characteristics
Zhang Pengfei1, Gong Lijiao1,2, Ma Xinxin1, Yang Tong1, Huang Bo3
1. College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Shihezi University Shihezi 832003 China;
2. Xinjiang Production & Construction Corps Key Laboratory of Advanced Energy Storage Materials and Technology Shihezi University Shihezi 832003 China;
3. Xinjiang TianFu Energy Co., Ltd Shihezi 832000 China

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Supported by: Beijing Magtech