Optimal Dispatch in Wind Integrated System Considering Operation Reliability |
Hu Guowei,Bie Zhaohong,Wang Xifan |
State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation for Power Equipments Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an 710049 China |
Abstract A new wind farm model#x02014;#x02014;time sequential multi-state model is presented and the fluctuation and sequential characteristics of the wind power are fully taken into account in this model. The optimal dispatch model in the wind integrated power system considering operation reliability is built,which introduces unit commitment risk as the index of the operation reliability into the constraints. Furthermore,a new dispatch strategy involved integrating wind farm is proposed. In the new dispatch strategy,the lowest index of the unit commitment risk without wind power integration is chosen as the upper limit of the operation reliability constraint in the optimal dispatch model. Then,the concept of #x0201c;substitution effect#x0201d; is proposed to describe the effect of the wind farm integration,so the negative effect of the wind power integration can be easily analyzed in the view of operation reliability. The optimal model is solved by the programming tool Cplex and the nonconvex high order mixed integer programming(MIP) model should be converted to convex quadratic MIP model first. The results of the test system show that optimal model and new strategy proposed are correct,effective and the effect of wind power integration on the power system dispatch can be simulated practically.
Received: 10 October 2011
Published: 11 December 2013
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