The Joint Risk Dispatch of Electric Vehicle in Day-Ahead Electricity Energy Market and Reserve Market |
Wu Juai1, Xue Yusheng2, Xie Dongliang2, Yue Dong1,3, Xue Feng2 |
1. College of Automation & College of Artificial Intelligence Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Nanjing 210023 China; 2. NARI Group Corporation (State Grid Electric Power Research Institute) Nanjing 211000 China; 3. Institute of Advanced Technology Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Nanjing 210023 China |
Abstract Electric vehicle (EV) is a kind of distributed electrochemical energy storage resource. As the intermediate link between EV users and power grid, EV aggregator needs to manage the contract game with users and the decision-making strategy in the power market, and faces the coupling problem of trading products when EV participates in multiple markets. In order to solve the above problems, the contract mechanism between the aggregator and EV users is proposed, the reserve auxiliary service market mechanism compatible with the aggregator’s participation is designed, and a joint dispatching optimization model of the aggregator participate in the day-ahead electricity energy market and the reserve market at the same time under multiple scenarios is constructed. Firstly, the interaction relationship between various market participants in the process of providing reserve by EV is analyzed, and the contract mechanism between aggregator and EV users is put forward: aggregator gives discount coefficients of charging price corresponding to different pricing element parameter values, that is, the types of orderly charging/discharging contract packages that users can participate in, and users compare which contract package meets the expected discount coefficient, and submit the information of using EV demand (that is, set the corresponding parameter values of each pricing element). Then, two kinds of coupling effects (the first kind of coupling effect: the coupling of reserve electricity and reserve capacity; the second kind of coupling effect: the coupling of reserve electricity and spot electricity) of EV clusters participate in the electricity energy market and reserve market at the same time are put forward and analyzed, and the prevention control before the occurrence of reserve shortage events are carried out through risk optimization in multiple scenarios to eliminate the influence of the first kind of coupling effect; for the second kind of coupling effect, the actually dispatched reserve electricity will be included in the electricity energy market system, but it will be distinguished in the settlement. Finally, with the objective of maximizing the risk revenue of the aggregator, a joint dispatching optimization model is constructed in which the aggregator participates in the day-ahead electricity energy market and the reserve market at the same time under multiple scenarios, in which the reserve market revenue includes day-ahead reserve capacity revenue and intra-day reserve electricity revenue after the reserve capacity being dispatched, and the decision variables of the optimization model is the day-ahead scheduled power of each EV. Several scenarios of uncertain intra-day reserve shortage events are constructed, and the case simulation results show that the day-ahead optimal risk prevention control of EV aggregator when intra-day reserve dispatching is uncertain is realized through the above dispatching optimization model. With the increase of the occurrence probability of the reserve shortage event, the higher the certainty of the charging/discharging strategy formulated by aggregator and the bidding quantity in day-ahead reserve market, the higher the risk revenue of aggregator. Based on the idea of “decoupling and coordination”, a joint optimization model of the dispatching strategy of the aggregator in electricity energy market and reserve market with the objective of maximizing the risk revenue is proposed. On the one hand, the proposed model and strategy theoretically verify the feasibility of EV’s participation in two markets at the same time, and realize the day-ahead optimal risk prevention control of aggregators. On the other hand, the win-win situation of multiple market participants is realized under market environment, which provides practical feasibility for EV providing reserve service.
Received: 19 July 2022
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