Research of Opening Timing Optimization Based on Improved Current-Limiting Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker |
Shu Hongchun1,2,3, Shao Zongxue1,2, Kuang Yu3 |
1. Yunnan Key Laboratory of Green Energy and Digital Power Measurement Control and Protection Kunming University of Science and Technology Kunming 650500 China; 2. Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Kunming University of Science and Technology Kunming 650500 China; 3. Faculty of Electric Power Engineering Kunming University of Science and Technology Kunming 650500 China |
Abstract MMC-based flexible DC network has the characteristics of flexible control and easy power support, which provides an effective solution for large-scale green energy aggregation and outgoing transmission. However, it also faces difficulties such as fast development of DC faults and difficulties in DC opening, and fast removal of DC faults is a basic requirement to ensure safe and reliable operation of DC networks. DC fault current limiting and opening is the key technology to ensure the safe and stable operation of DC power transmission. The optimization scheme of opening time matching and energy release based on current-limited hybrid DC circuit breaker is proposed. The optimization goal is to reduce the energy absorbed by the energy dissipation branch and lower the investment cost of the DC circuit breaker's power electronic switching devices. The voltage stress on the transfer branch IGBT and the DC disconnection time are set as constraints, it is made into solving multi-objective optimization mathematical problems, deriving the best timing for circuit breaker operation. Numerous simulations have shown that the optimization scheme is correct and effective. In order to improve the opening performance of DCBB, an optimization scheme of opening time coordination and energy discharge based on current-limiting hybrid DC circuit breaker is proposed. Firstly, the hybrid DC circuit breaker topology is improved, and the transfer and suppression of fault energy in the DCBB and the release process are derived. Then, a multi-objective optimization model is constructed for the breaker opening and breaking coordination timing to solve the best coordination timing of the breaker. Finally, a four-terminal DC grid simulation model is built in the PSCAD/EMTDC simulation platform to verify the effectiveness of the proposed optimization. A ±500kV four-terminal MMC DC grid simulation model is built on the PSCAD/EMTDC platform. MMC1 adopts constant voltage and reactive power control mode, while MMC2, MMC3 and MMC4 adopt constant active and reactive power control mode. Among them: MMC1 is the sending end, MMC4 is the receiving end, and each DC line is equipped with hybrid circuit breakers at both ends. Simulation results show that the best coordination timing of the indicators are in line with the basic DC opening requirements of the Zhangbei DC network project, opening voltage, opening current and lightning arrester absorption energy and other opening characteristics are better than the ABB type hybrid DC circuit breakers and modular cascade type hybrid DC circuit breakers. For DC circuit breaker action timing and energy discharge optimization problems, a current-limiting hybrid DC circuit breaker energy discharge optimization scheme is proposed. (1) After the optimization of DC circuit breaker energy discharge, the peak DC opening voltage and current stress is greatly reduced, the opening time is shortened, the fault opening energy is reduced, and all opening performance indexes meet the requirements of DC fault isolation in DC power network projects. (2) When the FCLSM and TSM of the improved DCCB are blocked, the IGBT control does not require synchronous triggering and the control logic is simple. (3) Compared with ABB type DCCB and module cascade type DCCB, the improved DCCB has 38.4% reduction in peak current when opening, 1.1ms and 1.2 ms reduction in opening time, 4% reduction in peak DC opening voltage, and 57.9% and 56.7% reduction in MOV energy absorption, respectively, with obvious advantages in opening performance. The solid-state switching cost decreases by 15.1% compared with ABB type DCC and increases by 16.7% compared with modular cascade type DCCB. However, MOVs and UFDs still have an economic advantage with lower investment costs.
Received: 03 July 2023
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