Review on Microstructure Control and Performance Improvement of ZnO Varistors |
He Junjia1, Song Li1, Zhou Benzheng1, Fu Zhiyao2, Wang Chaofan1, Zhang Xiaoxuan1 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074 China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation of Power Grid Transmission and Transformation Equipment State Grid Hunan Electric Power Co. Ltd Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Center Changsha 410129 China |
Abstract As the core component of metal oxide arresters, the ZnO varistor has always been the focus of research. In the face of the new power system with the wide application of new energy in the future, ZnO varistors should not be limited to the optimization of small current characteristics. In some specific situations, the performance of varistors with high potential gradient, large flow capacity, and low residual voltage ratio is the focus of future attention. This paper summarizes the research on the microstructure regulation and performance improvement of the ZnO varistor from the perspective of traditional mechanical powder mixing and surface coating, and considers the research works that need to be carried out under the coating route, hoping to provide some references for research in related fields. For a long time, people have mainly improved the performance of the ZnO varistor by improving the material formula, improving the sintering process, and optimizing the powder preparation according to the process route of mechanical powder mixing and sintering. Based on the traditional formula, it was found that the doping of rare earth elements can effectively control the grain size, thus improving the uniformity of the microstructure and the potential gradient of the varistor. Using ultrafine powder also reduced the particle size and improved the microstructure uniformity. The new sintering techniques, such as cold sintering, flash sintering, and spark plasma sintering, can ensure the compacting of the porcelain body and reduce the sintering temperature. These new technologies have played an important role in improving the performance of ZnO varistors, but the potential for further improvement is limited. Surface coating modification technology has been tried in the research field of ZnO varistors. In the initial exploratory experiments, one or more elements were coated on the surface of ZnO by salts corresponding to their oxides to form the core-shell structure. The prepared ZnO varistor samples had a smaller grain size and narrower distribution, which was beneficial to improve the microstructure uniformity. Different from mechanical powder mixing sintering, the core-shell structure formed by cladding can form a heating mode with a specific temperature field structure on the billet with the help of the outer cladding during sintering, rather than relying on the temperature field of the furnace itself to directly act on the billet, which may have a better control effect on the structure formed by sintering. All these indicate that surface coating technology has a specific potential to improve the performance of ZnO varistors. However, as this kind of research is still in the early stage, much research is still needed on the following aspects: (1) Determine the coating element system suitable for ZnO to make the research work systematic; (2) Optimize the key process from coated powder to sheets, such as uniform dispersion of coated powder and optimization of the sintering system; (3) Sum up the coated ZnO varistor performance evolution law, providing the basis for performance control; (4) Explore the influence of microscopic parameters on the macroscopic electrical properties, give a reasonable deep mechanism from the microscopic level, and put forward an effective method to customize the performance of the ZnO varistor; (5) The calculation of ZnO surface adsorption by first principles can play a guiding role in selecting the coating body and then designing the surface coating structure.
Received: 31 July 2022
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