An Unit Commitment Model and Algorithm with Randomness of Wind Power |
Zhang Ningyu,Gao Shan,Zhao Xin |
Southeast University Nanjing 210096 China |
Abstract An unit commitment model with wind power#x02019;s stochastic is introduced in this paper. The proposed model is combined with the wind power#x02019;s credibility and guaranteed by chance constraints of wind power random variables and three presented policies. UCSAA(unit commitment-sample average approximation) model is formed from the above one based on SAA theory. Especially in the situation of wind power random variables subjecting to probability density distribution,chance constraints are translated into certainty ones by employing some 0/1 variables,avoid assuming lots of solving time by intelligent algorithms. Linear MIP and Monte Carlo methods are used to solving linear UCSAA model. In the end,IEEE 3-uints and 10-units systems are used to simulated and the results show that the correctness and validity of the proposed model and algorithm.
Received: 07 May 2012
Published: 11 December 2013
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