Reduction of Switching Frequency Harmonics of Active Power Filter Using Randomize PWM Technique |
Li Hui, Wu Zhengguo |
Naval University of Engineering Wuhan 430033 China |
Abstract Recently APF (active power filter) has been widely used for the reduction of the harmonics and improvement of the power quality in power systems. However, a PWM-based APF generates harmonics at the switching frequency and its multiples, and may produce EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) problems. Randomization of the switching frequency causes the harmonic components with high magnitude on switching frequency extend as low magnitude harmonic components with a bandwidth. The magnitude of harmonic components can be reduced. In the paper, the randomized PWM technique is used to overcome the harmonics problems of the APF caused by the high frequency harmonics. Detailed analyses and the PSD characteristics of the RPWM for suppressing switching frequency harmonics of the APF are presented. A practical design procedure of the randomized PWM technique is proposed. Simulation and experimental results confirm the validity of such technique.
Received: 24 April 2009
Published: 04 March 2014
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