A Review of Domestic and Foreign Ancillary Services Market for Improving Flexibility of New Power System |
Wu Shan1, Bian Xiaoyan1, Zhang Jingxian2, Lin Yi3, Lin Weiwei3 |
1. Shanghai University of Electric Power Shanghai 200090 China; 2. Zhengzhou Electric Power College Zhengzhou 450000 China; 3. State Grid Fujian Power Economic Research Institute Fuzhou 350012 China |
Abstract The participants and market mechanism of traditional ancillary service market in China cannot cope with the flexibility challenge of the power system dominated by high proportion of renewable energy in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the development ideas of ancillary service market under the challenge of flexibility of new power system. Based on domestic and foreign literature, reports and project experience, this paper comprehensively proposes an ancillary service market development plan for new power system flexibility enhancement from the perspective of flexibility resources and market design. (1) Tap the potential of flexible resource regulation and form diversified auxiliary service market participants. Diversified resources such as energy storage, controllable load and electric vehicles should be encouraged and guided to participate in auxiliary services, and the scope of market players should be further expanded, so as to encourage diverse players to release their flexible regulation potential by market-based means. (2) Explore and develop diversified auxiliary service products. When the spot market is mature and the price signals tend to be perfect, the peak-regulating products can be phased out through the real-time market. The types of auxiliary service products such as standby and frequency modulation should be improved. In areas with a high proportion of new energy, the establishment of auxiliary service products such as fast frequency response and fast slope climbing should be explored. (3) Combined management of auxiliary service resources. More distributed resources in the distribution network are guided to participate in the auxiliary service market. DSO manages local flexible resources, and TSO collaborates with DSO to operate the auxiliary service market. Explore the inter-provincial auxiliary service market, break the inter-provincial electricity trade barriers, and realize the reasonable reserve of trans-regional resources. (4) Improving the pricing mechanism for auxiliary services. Market competition is adopted to determine the providers of auxiliary services, and the ability of different resources to provide auxiliary services is assessed quantitatively and precisely. The corresponding prices of different auxiliary services are calculated fairly, and the cost of auxiliary services is channeled to users according to the principle of "who benefits and who shares".
Received: 29 October 2021
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