Research Status and Prospects of Fusion Technology of Vehicle-Charging Pile-Power Grid |
Mao Ling, Zhang Zhonghao, Zhao Jinbin, Qu Keqing, Li Fen |
College of Electrical Engineering Shanghai University of Electric Power Shanghai 200090 China |
Abstract The interactive and integrated development of electric vehicles (EVs), charging piles(CPs), and power grid can improve grid flexibility and stability, promote energy-clean and low-carbon transformation, and foster new drivers for developing the EVs industry. Scholars at home and abroad have conducted extensive and in-depth research on EVs-CPs-power grid interactive and integration technology. This paper systematically reviews the current situation and progress of EVs-CPs power grid interactive and integration technology. First, this paper investigates the research background and then summarizes the status of EVs-CPs-power grid interactive and integration technology from disorder-charging and order-charging to V2X. Second, the integration architecture of the EVs-CPs-power grid is summarized from the physical layer, platform layer, and fusion layer. This paper also analyzes the sensing and communication technologies when EVs and CPs are connected. The key issues of the EVs dispatching technology are discussed, and the flexible multi-party transactions of EVs-CPs-power grid interactive and integration technology are explored. After that, the typical application practice of EVs-CPs-power grid integration is introduced. Finally, the research on the EVs-CPs-power grid integration is prospected to provide a reference for the research and implementation of integrating EVs-CPs-power grid.
Received: 15 August 2021
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