Testability Analysis of Corrosion Diagnosis for Grounding Grids |
Niu Tao1, 2, Luo Xianjue1, Wang Sen3, Zhang Debo1, Liu Liqiang1, Zhang Yingjiao1 |
1. Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an 710049 China 2. Jiangsu Electric Power Design Institute Nanjing 211102 China 3. Shaanxi Electric Power Research Institute Xi’an 710045 China |
Abstract Testability of grounding grids is decided by network topology and reachable nodes’ location rather than resistance. In order to research the testability, a new method which applied to corrosion diagnosis is presented. In this method, unreachable nodes are eliminated by network transformation, and then the testability is confirmed gradually in reverse direction. Creditability index is firstly proposed to indicate the credibility of diagnosis result, and the calculating formula is also established. Simulation results show the validity of this approach, and the creditability index can well reflect the errors of diagnosis results. Testability results and creditability index provide valuable information for the actual diagnosis work.
Received: 30 November 2009
Published: 04 March 2014
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