Control Strategy of 5G Base Station Energy Storage Considering Communication Load |
Ma Xiufan, Meng Xiangyu, Zhu Qiuping, Duan Ying, Wang Zhi |
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China |
Abstract As an important part of the new infrastructure construction, the construction of 5G base stations is accelerating the construction process. With the rapid increase in the number of 5G base stations, the base station backup energy storage will be a considerable energy storage resource. As the 5G base station is still in the early stage of construction, its strategy for participating in the coordinated interaction of the power grid as the main body of the energy storage configuration still needs to be studied urgently. This paper designs a 5G base station cloud energy storage system for the purpose of revitalizing the idle energy storage resources of communication base stations and proposes a method for analyzing the schedulable potential of base station energy storage that takes into account the communication load status of the base station. And then established a 5G base station energy storage participating in the coordinated dispatching model of the power grid. The analysis results of the calculation example show that the 5G base station energy storage regulation strategy proposed in this paper can reduce the impact of the backup energy storage charge and discharge on the backup power, and utilize the time difference and spatial complementarity of the base station communication load status to effectively achieve the auxiliary grid peak reduction and reduce the operating cost of base stations, so that the power grid and communication operators mutually benefit and win-win.
Received: 15 April 2021
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