Research on Multi Coil Reactive Shielding of Resonant Wireless Energy Supply Cardiac Pacemaker |
Chen Weihua, Liu Zongwang, Li Zhengxing, Yan Xiaoheng, Qian Kun |
Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering Liaoning Technology University Huludao 125000 China |
Abstract To reduce the harm to human body caused by magnetic field leak of the cardiac pacemaker wireless power supply system, a resonant multi-coil reactive power shielding cardiac pacemaker wireless power supply system under 150kHz is designed. First, the LCC-C compensation circuit model is established. Then the magnetic field distribution and transmission efficiency of three shielding coils with different loops and turns are simulated as well as the electromagnetic-temperature field distribution of a human body half-length model. Afterwards the optimal ring circuit and turns of the shielding coil are obtained via studying the resonant reactive power shielding coil principle and the simulation results. Finally the experimental results show that under the 3-ring-5-turn optimal shielding structure, the magnetic flux density is reduced by 20.22% at 35mm from the center point, and the transmission efficiency reaches 76.03%. The internal temperature rises by 1.01℃, meeting the implantable device safety regulations. The multi-coil reactive shielding structure can effectively reduce electromagnetic leakage of the WPT system, providing new ideas for wireless energy supply system design for implantable devices.
Received: 22 April 2021
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