The Influence Factors of Electromagnetic Environment in the Tunnels with DC Cables and AC Cables |
Yan Youxiang1,2, Zhu Ting1, Zhang Naming1, Wang Shuhong1 |
1. School of Electrical Engineering Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an 710049 China; 2. Xiamen Power Supply Company State Grid Fujian Electric Power Company Xiamen 361000 China |
Abstract With the expansion of urban power and the increase of the power demand, the alternative current (AC) and direct current (DC) cables will be laid in the same tunnel to solve the shortage of underground cable transmission space, which makes the electromagnetic field of the cable tunnel more complicated. In this paper, the electromagnetic field simulation model was established for ±320kV DC cables and 220kV AC cables co-laying tunnel. Then the electromagnetic field distribution in the tunnel and the induced voltage generated by AC cables on DC cables were calculated. The influence factors of electromagnetic environment in the cable tunnel were analyzed, such as the distance between AC and DC cables, the laying methods of AC cables and DC cables, and single-phase AC cable faults. Finally, the minimum distance between the AC and DC cables and the optimal laying method of the AC and DC cables were proposed.
Received: 06 August 2020
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