Insulation Problem and Treatment of Medium Frequency Transformer in DC Transformer Based on Dual Active Bridge Topology |
Gou Jianmin, Xie Yeyuan |
Nanjing Nari-Relays Electric Corporation Nanjing 211102 China |
Abstract This paper focuses on the current research hotspot of DC transformer based on DAB topology, and discusses the insulation problems and treatment methods of medium frequency transformer applied in this type of DC transformer. The whole article discusses the influences that transformer size reduction, kHz working frequency and steep rising edge have on the insulation of medium frequency transformer. Those three factors exist simultaneously, and affect the insulation of transformer together. In order to deal with the challenges brought by the factors mentioned above, it is necessary to pay special attention to the design of transformer winding, the analysis of insulation requirements between windings and between turns and layers within windings, the selection of insulation materials, the winding wound and transformer processing technology.
Received: 06 July 2020
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