A Review of Online Conditon Monitoring of Marine Cable Insulation |
Wu Peihang, Wu Xusheng, Gao Wei |
Electronic Engineering College Naval University of Engineering Wuhan 430033 China |
Abstract As an important part of ship power grid, power cable determines the reliability and stability of the whole ship power network. The humidity, temperature and various physical and chemical factors of ship working environment are far more complex than those of land. Research on insulation aging of ship cables shows that most of the faults of ship power grid are caused by cable faults, and the faults caused by insulation aging and other defects account for the vast majority of cable faults. Therefore effective online monitoring of cables can realize fault early warning and reduce the power grid of ship loss due to insulation failure. This paper mainly introduces the working principle of on-line monitoring methods for ship cable design, such as DC component method, AC component method, DC superposition method, dual frequency signal injection method, single frequency signal injection method, S injection method, dielectric loss factor method and partial discharge method. The monitoring method of signal injection for insulation is analyzed summarizes. The characteristics and scope of application of each method are summarized, and analyzes the existing problems of ship cable insulation on-line technology. And give the summary and prospect.
Received: 30 June 2020
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