Research on Motion Analysis and Fault Diagnosis of Contact System of AC Contactor |
Liu Shuxin, Song Jian, Liu Yang, Cao Yundong, Li Jing |
Key Lab of Special Electric Machine and High Voltage Apparatus State Shenyang University of Technology Shenyang 110870 China |
Abstract In order to solve the problem of low recognition rate in the current fault diagnosis technology of AC contactor contact system, this paper proposes a new method based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) based on modified multi-scale permutation entropy (MMPE) and energy moment. The least squares support vector machine (LSSVM) based on PSO can effectively improve the recognition rate of AC contactor contact system. The experimental data show that the proposed method can effectively identify the operation status of AC contactor, and can more effectively complete the qualitative diagnosis of AC contactor fault, and can effectively guide and targeted equipment maintenance and repair.
Received: 09 July 2020
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