Simulation on Electric Field Distribution of 1 100kV AC Tri-Post Insulator Influenced by Defects |
Liu Peng1, Wu Zehua1, Zhu Sijia1, Xu Jiazong2, Liu Qingdong2, Peng Zongren1 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment Xi'an Jiaotong University Xi'an 710049 China; 2. Shandong Electrical Engineering & Equipment Group Co. Ltd Jinan 250022 China |
Abstract Defects and conductive particles will seriously distort the electric field distribution of tri-post insulators in GIL, and even lead to breakdown. In this paper, the possible defects and their sources in UHV GIL were analyzed, and the influence of defects, including interface defects, inner void and conductive particles, on the electric field distribution of the tri-post insulator was calculated by the COMSOL Multiphysics software. The results show that interface defects on metal insert and center conductor surface have the similar effects. The longer and thinner the interface defects are, the higher the maximum value of field is. As for the inner voids, the size seems to have small impact on the electric field distribution, but the location closer to the metal insert has more damage to the insulation. Attached conductive metal particles can significantly enhance the electric field, but has influence on the maximum electric field value, and the larger the size, the larger the range of electric field distortion. The larger size and shorter height of suspended conductive particles cause more serious distortion, and the maximum value of field strength increases when the particles are closer the sphere zone. Among the defects, conductive particles are the most harmful to insulation, followed by interface defects.
Received: 30 June 2020
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