Magnetic Integration Method for CLTLC Multi-Resonant Converter |
Wang Yifeng1, Liu Ruixin1, Han Fuqiang2, Meng Zhun3 |
1. Key Laboratory of Smart Grid of Ministry of Education Tianjin University Tianjin 300072 China; 2. State Grid Nanjing Power Supply Company Nanjing 210019 China; 3. State Grid Tianjin Economic Research Institute Tianjin 300171 China |
Abstract On the basis of the printed circuit board (PCB) winding and planar transformer technology, a magnetic integration design scheme is proposed with only a single magnetic component. It solves the problem of the excessive number of magnetic components in the multi-resonant converter, and is successfully applied to the CLTLC multi-resonant converter. All the magnetic components of the converter, including two resonant inductors and two high-frequency transformers, can be integrated into the EIE core structure. In this regard, with the matrix transformer concept and uneven winding distribution, a novel E-type core can be obtained by introducing an air gap to the center core leg. Thus, the decoupling control of magnetizing inductance and leakage inductance of the transformer can be realized. In addition, according to the proposed structure, the reluctance model of the transformer is established. Then the magnetic integration scheme is further demonstrated from the mathematical aspect. The final magnetic integration design is also discussed. In the end, a 1kW CLTLC prototype is built and relevant experiments are carried out. The experimental results verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed scheme. The peak efficiency of the converter can reach 96.45%.
Received: 10 June 2020
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