Synchronous Stability Research of Inverters in Hybrid Microgrid Based on the Quasi-Static Models under Weak Grid |
Yu Yanxue1, Ma Huimin1, Chen Xiaoguang2, Zheng Xuemei1, Li Haoyu1 |
1. School of Electrical Engineering & Automation Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 150001 China; 2. Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Heilongjiang Electric Power Co. Ltd Harbin 150030 China |
Abstract When the multi-inverters are parallelly connected to the weak grid, interactions of the high grid impedance and inverters are easy to result in synchronization stability problems. To study the synchronization stability of the hybrid microgrid (HMG) consisting of current- and voltage-controlled inverters in weak grid, the quasi-static models were developed to analyze the synchronization mechanism of the phase locked loop (PLL) and virtual synchronous generator (VSG) in the HMG, and discuss the influences of interactions between the PLL and VSG on the steady-state operating points of inverters in the HMG. Thus, relationships of the synchronization stability with the grid impedance and grid voltage were derived in the HMG. Then, consider the grid voltage drop fault occurred in weak grid, relationships of the synchronization stability with the steady-state operating point and the synchronization loop parameters were analyzed in the HMG. The experimental results verified theoretical analyses. Researches in this paper can help the HMG to choose the running references and synchronization parameters reasonably.
Received: 14 November 2020
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