Study of Adaptive Grounding Distance Relay |
Yang Lan, Yang Tingfang, Zeng Xiangjun |
Changsha University of Science and Technology Changsha 410004 China |
Abstract A new adaptive ground distance relay based on zero sequence polarizing voltage is put forward according to constitutive principles of adaptive distance relay. Automatic adjustment of protection trip boundary is caused by transition resistance because the variational regularity of zero sequence voltage of measurement position is the same as that of fault voltage of trouble spots when single-phase grounding fault occurs through transition resistance. The adaptive distance relay has stronge adaptive capability to transition resistance. Analysis results show that the operation characteristics of relays with precise direction are not affected by transition resistance and load currents wherever the relay is located at the sending terminal or receiving terminal. Simulations by Matlab also prove the relay has good operating characteristic.
Received: 13 December 2008
Published: 04 March 2014
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