Hybrid Totem-Pole Bridgeless Power Factor Corrector Converter with GaN HEMT and Si Diode Based on Low Profile Planar Inductor |
Zou Jun, Wu Hongfei, Liu Yue, Ge Zixian, Yang Liu |
Center for More-Electric-Aircraft Power System Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing 211106 China |
Abstract A GaN-Si hybrid totem-pole bridgeless PFC converter based on low profile planar inductor is presented in this paper. With the slow reverse recovery characteristics of the low frequency diode, a reverse current path is provided for high frequency GaN switching leg, so that the critical mode operation and the soft-switching can be achieved. In order to achieve lower height and higher power density, a low-profile planar inductor structure and an optimal design method are presented. The calculation method of inductor core loss and winding loss is presented by decomposing the inductor current in CRM mode, and the inductor dimension is optimized. Finally, a 200~700kHz, 400W PFC converter prototype is built to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the presented scheme.
Received: 28 October 2020
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