Research on Electromagnetic Vibration and Noise Characteristics of Dual Sided Rotor Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on Armature Offset Approach |
Liu Kai, Zhang Bingyi, Feng Guihong |
School of Electrical Engineering Shenyang University of Technology Research Institute of Special Motor and Control Shenyang 110870 China |
Abstract The dual sided rotor permanent magnet synchronous motor (DSR_PMSM) has the characteristics of high power density, wide operating range of constant power and strong output capacity of low speed high torque. The operation current at high torque output and constant power weak magnetic will catastrophe air-gap magnetic field distribution, which may cause large electromagnetic vibration noise. The paper is based on an 85kW DSR_PMSM, the magnetic fields harmonic distribution were studied and analyzed, a new method to reduce vibration noise based on internal and external armature teeth migration is proposed. The analytical expressions electromagnetic excitation force wave(EEFW) of armature teeth was derived. With the help of finite element analysis platform, the distribution of EEFW on armature was obtained. The vibration response spectrum and electromagnetic noise characteristic were obtained by simulating the vibration response and sound field. The test results are close to analytical analysis and simulation results, which verified the accuracy of vibration noise analysis and calculation method of DSR_PMSM given in this paper. It provides reference for the calculation_analysis and identification_inhibition of vibration noise for this type machine.
Received: 30 June 2020
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