Optimal Setting of Primary Coil Current for Efficiency in Electromagnetic Inductive Wireless Power Transfer System |
Yin Zhenggang, Shi Liming, Fan Manyi |
Key Laboratory of Power Electronics and Electric Drives of Chinese Academy of Science Institute of Electrical Engineering Chinese Academy of Science Beijing 100190 China |
Abstract The electromagnetic inductive wireless power transfer system including many secondary pick-ups can realize the decoupling control of pick-ups by keeping the primary coil current constant. When the pick-ups control their outputs by DC-DC regulators, the primary track current can be set flexibly within certain range, which offers the potential to optimize the efficiency. In this paper the quantitative relationship between the primary coil current and the efficiency of the electromagnetic coupling mechanism is deduced, and the optimal current for the maximum efficiency is found out. Based on the system parameters, the efficiencies under different primary currents are calculated. Simulation system and experimental platform are both set up. The measured efficiencies in simulation system are the same as the calculated efficiencies. The measured efficiency waveforms and the maximum efficiency point of the experimental platform are essentially consistent with that of the calculation and simulation system. So the effectiveness of the primary coil current optimization method for increasing the efficiency of the coupling mechanism of electromagnetic inductive wireless power transfer system is proved.
Received: 11 July 2020
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