Implementation of Two-Step Voltage Commutation Method for Matrix Converter |
Wang Xingwei1, Lin Hua1, She Hongwu1, He Bi2 |
1. Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074 China 2. Naval University of Engineering Wuhan 430033 China |
Abstract At a voltage-controlled commutation, a short circuit will happen if the voltage sign is wrongly detected at zero crossing of the phase-to-phase input voltage. Aim to this problem, the improved method for two-step voltage commutation strategy is proposed in this paper. New major states (P, M, N) and intermediate states (PM, MN, NP) in the critical intervals are defined. By rearranging the vectors sequence and at the same time choosing proper zero vectors, the short circuit of the input phase voltages in the critical intervals can be avoided and neither the average values of the input current nor the average values of the output voltage are influenced. A 5kW prototype is built and the detection of the input voltage intervals and commutation control logic are accomplished using a FPGA. The commutation sequence of FPGA is described in detail. Experimental results verify that the proposed commutation strategy works very well without a precise circuit to detect the sign of input line voltage.
Received: 20 December 2008
Published: 04 March 2014
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