Type Judgement Technology of Impedance Variation in Frequency Domain Reflection Method |
Rao Xianjie, Zhou Kai, Huang Yonglu, Li Mingzhi, Li Rong |
School of Electrical Engineering Sichuan University Chengdu 610065 China |
Abstract The reflection of the traveling wave can be used to detect the impedance variation of cable including local defects and faults. The propagation distance and polarity of the reflected wave are respectively used to locate the impedance variation position and judge the type of the impedance variation. Frequency domain reflection (FDR) is one of the effective means to identify the reflected wave in the cable. However, the traditional FDR method can only obtain the propagation distance of the reflected wave, but cannot judge the polarity of the reflected wave. Therefore, this paper presents a polarity judgement technology for the reflected wave in FDR. Firstly, this paper describes the principle of reflected wave identification in FDR, and analyzes the reflection coefficient in FDR by the fast Fourier transform interpolation algorithm of Hanning self-convolution windows. The phase deviations caused by lower limit frequency of FDR and frequency-dependent wave velocity are corrected, and the frequency value and the modified phase value are respectively used to obtain the propagation distance and the polarity of the reflected wave. Then, the cable model of single reflected wave and multiple reflected wave is simulated. Finally, the proposed method is verified by experiments on a 105m 10kV cross-linked polyethylene cable. The results show that the method proposed can effectively obtain the propagation distance and polarity of the reflected wave in FDR.
Received: 06 May 2020
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