Natural Current-Balancing Performance of a Kind of Single-Phase Multi-Level Current-Source Inverter |
Bao Jianyu1, Bao Weibing2, Zhang Zhongchao3 |
1. Ningbo Institute of Technology Zhejiang University Ningbo 315100 China 2. Zhejiang University of Technology Hangzhou 310024 China 3. Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China |
Abstract The sharing-inductors are used to generate the different current-levels for the single-phase multilevel current-source inverter (MCSI). To keep the intermediate DC-link currents balanced, it is necessary to study the current-balancing characteristics of MCSI. In this paper, according to the connection modes of the sharing-inductors, a kind of single-phase MCSI which has simple circuit structures is introduced. By setting up mathematical expressions of the average-voltage across the sharing-inductors, the natural current-balancing performances of such MCSI are analyzed in detail, and the simulation results are in complete agreement with the theoretical conclusions. In order to improve the harmonic performances of output current at different load conditions, a practicable way to balance the intermediate DC-link current is proposed, which was implemented with automatically choosing the redundant switching-combinations based on the DC-link current feedback. Lastly, the correctness and validity of such control method are verified by the experimental results.
Received: 15 January 2009
Published: 04 March 2014
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