Simulation Study on Steady-State Heat Transfer Characteristics of DC Arc Fault |
Wu Qirong, Zhang Rencheng, Tu Ran, Yang Kai, Zhou Xuejin |
Key Laboratory of Process Monitoring and System Optimization for Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Huaqiao University Xiamen 361021 China |
Abstract The fault arc in the direct current (DC) system is persistent, and the high temperature it produces will release energy and induce combustible material combustion. DC fault arc is difficult to detect and extremely dangerous. Aiming at the temperature distribution of DC fault arc, this paper developed a numerical model of steady-state heat transfer of DC fault arc based on magneto-hydrodynamics and carried out a systematic numerical study of the discharge process under different circuit voltages, resistances and electrode gap to obtain the temperature distribution of the steady-state heat transfer model of DC fault arc. Based on the calculated results of the model, the law of maximum arc temperature change and the heat transfer law of arc heat source to the internal temperature of the electrode is revealed. The results show that the maximum temperature of fault arc decreases inversely with the increase of resistance, increases exponentially with the increase of electrode gap, increases linearly with the increase of circuit voltage in a certain range, but the temperature rise rate decreases with circuit voltage increases. When arc temperature rises, there is a higher temperature drop rate of electrode conductor near the arc, which decreases with the extension of the conductor. The increase of electrode gap will make the maximum arc temperature shift towards the tip electrode.
Received: 16 October 2020
Fund:国家自然科学基金面上项目(52076084)、火灾科学国家重点实验室开放基金(HZ2020-KF07)、福建省自然科学基金(2018J05082),泉州市科技计划(2018C117R)和华侨大学科研基金(19BS103)资助 |
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