Analytical Calculation of Rotor Bar Current Distribution in Starting Condition of Cage Solid-Rotor Machine Considering the Effect of Eddy Current in Solid-Rotor |
Zheng Yinzhao, Zhou Libing, Wang Jin |
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and TechnologySchool of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074 China |
Abstract The induced current of solid-rotor and rotor bar of cage solid-rotor induction machine coupled with each other. Especially during the start-up process of two-pole machine, the current density of rotor bar shows an asymmetric U-shaped distribution due to the current of solid-rotor, decreasing first and then increasing from the top to the bottom of the slot. The traditional calculation method leads to large calculation error, affecting the accuracy of machine design. In this paper, a two-dimensional multilayer electromagnetic field analysis model that considered the effects of magnetic field saturation is established to solve the magnetic field distribution under starting condition. On this basis, considering the influence of the induced current of the rotor core yoke, an analytical calculation model was established to solve the current density distribution of rotor bar during the starting operation. Finally, by comparing with the finite element simulation, the accuracy of the calculation of the current density distribution was verified when the machine was started at different voltages. The proposed analytical calculation method is applicable to cage solid-rotor induction machines with different pole-pairs and provides a reference for accurate calculation of starting parameters and performance of the machine.
Received: 17 February 2020
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