Enhanced Multi-Objective Differential Evolutionary Algorithm Based Optimal Power Flow Calculation for Integrated Electricity and Gas Systems |
Liu mingkai, Wang Zhanshan, Xing Yanli |
College of Information Science and Engineering Northeastern University Shenyang 110819 China |
Abstract With the development of integrated energy system, the connection between power grid and natural gas network isgetting closer. In order to ensure the safety and economic operation of the integrated electricity and gas systems, it is necessary to carry outthe joint planning for the system. Therefore, firstly,a multi-objective optimal scheduling modelof the electricity-gas energy interconnection systemis proposed according to the system's large-scale, multi-dimensional, non-convex, and nonlinear characteristics. Secondly, in order to deal with the problem of poor population convergence in the solving algorithm of high-dimensional objective function, anenhanced multi-objective differential evolution algorithm is proposed to strengthen the dominant relation of non-dominant solutions. Finally, IEEE 30-node power system and Belgium 20-node natural gas system are used to show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. The simulations show that the present algorithm can produce a better distribution of Pareto optimal front of the objective function under consideration. Meanwhile, a set of better optimization solutionscan be obtained from the high-dimensional target solving, which can meet the operating requirements of the system under different working conditions.
Received: 23 April 2020
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