An Approach to Converter Faults Diagnosis Based on Vector Control |
Mei Ying, Sun Danan, Wei Zhongli, Wang Lei, Diao Lijun |
Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China |
Abstract Oriented to a converter under vector control, a model of its fault diagnosis with the three-phase current signals as characteristic parameters is established. The output current signals, from which noise is further reduced with wavelet analysis theory, are also used in the statistic calculation for characteristic fault vector with FFT transform. The characteristic fault vector acts as input to neutral network. Through the training of neutral network, the network parameters can be decided and the analysis of fault data will be finished, which lead to a successful fault diagnosis. The fault diagnosis model, as well as its application into converters with SVPWM scheme, is proven to be workable with experiments.
Received: 10 October 2008
Published: 04 March 2014
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