An Improved Active Phase-Shift Method for Islanding Detection |
Liu Furong1, Kang Yong2, Wang Hui2, Duan Shanxu2, Tang Aihong1 |
1. Wuhan University of Technology Wuhan 430070 China 2. Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074 China |
Abstract Anti-islanding protection is a mandatory feature for grid-connected inverters. A desired method not only can detect islanding within acceptable duration, but also have less adverse impact on power quality. This paper analyzes the traditional phase-shift method for anti-islanding and proposes a new scheme which is easy to be implemented and has less adverse impact on power quality. The paper analyzes the deviation tendency of frequency in islanding and non detection zone (NDZ) of the scheme. Based on it a criterion for qualified anti-islanding is proposed, which helps to achieve grid-connected PV systems that meet the requirement of National Code.
Received: 18 April 2008
Published: 04 March 2014
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