Influence of Electric Field Uniformity on Power Frequency Discharge Characteristics of Short Air Gap in Water Mist Condition |
Chen Baohui1, Deng Jie2, Sun Yicheng1, Liu Yu1 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention & Reduction for Power Grid Transmission and Distribution Equipment Hunan Electric Power Corporation Disaster Prevention and Reduction Center Changsha 410007 China; 2. College of Electrical and Information Engineering Changsha University of Science & Technology Changsha 410114 China |
Abstract Water mist is a fire fighting technology with high insulation ability. The discharge characteristics of water mist under ball-ball gap and rod-plate gap were studied. For the ball-ball gap, the electrostatic field distortion caused by water mist droplets has greater influence than the charging of water mist particles in electrostatic field, and thus the breakdown voltage of water mist is always significantly lower than that of air gap. When the gap length is 2cm to 8cm, the breakdown voltage of water mist is 37.6% to 38.2% lower than that of air gap under ball-ball electrodes. For the rod-plate gap, the influence of electrostatic field distortion decreases with the increase of gap length. When the gap length is 3.5cm to 8cm, the effect of electrostatic field distortion is higher than that of charging of water mist particles in electrostatic field. Moreover, the breakdown voltage of water mist under rod-plate electrodes is 6.0% to 8.5% lower than that of air gap. When the gap length is longer than 12cm, the effect of charging of water mist particles in electrostatic field exceeds the effect of electrostatic field distortion caused by water mist, and the breakdown voltage of water mist under rod-plate electrodes is higher than the breakdown voltage of air gap by 3.6% to 4.4%. The results can provide guidance for the application of water mist in fire prevention of high voltage power equipment.
Received: 04 February 2020
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