Analysis of Parameter Selection of Injection Circuit of Differentiation Cascade Type Controllable Custom Power Quality Disturbance-Generator |
Liu Yingying Sun Zhe Xu Yonghai, Xiao Xiangning |
Key Laboratory of Power System Protection and Dynamic Security Monitoring and Control of Ministry of Education, North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China |
Abstract Theoretical and simulated analysis on the injection circuit parameters of the controllable custom power quality disturbance-generator which is designed as differentiation cascade type has been done. The topology has three modules: fundamental-frequency module, high-frequency module and rectifier module. The theoretical analysis results show that the regulation precision of fundamental-frequency module’s output, the voltage level of the high-frequency module, the current tracking performance and the harmonic current circumfluence in the high frequency module will be influenced by the fundamental-frequency module’s connected inductor. The harmonic current output of the high-frequency module will be influenced by the high-frequency module’s connected inductor. Furthermore, taking capacitors in series with the inductors in the injection circuit of the high-frequency module is an effective method to reduce the voltage level of the high-frequency module. However this method will influence the output of the fundamental frequency current from the fundamental-frequency module. The simulation results show the correctness of the theoretical analysis and provide a reference for parameter selection of the injection circuit and design of the device’s control methods.
Received: 14 November 2008
Published: 04 March 2014
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