Regenerating Energy Storage System Based on Ultra-Capacitor for Urban Railway Vehicles |
Xu Aiguo, Xie Shaojun, Yao Yuan, Liu Xiaobao, Xiao Huafeng, Feng Jingjing |
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing 210016 China |
Abstract This paper presents an energy storage system based on ultra-capacitor to absorbing the regenerating energy of urban railway vehicles and releasing the energy when the train starts, which can cut down the energy waste. A modular power conversion scheme is proposed to accommodate the application of different electric supply system, where several modules are connected in series to endure high supply voltage. Multi-phase power conversion topology is adopted to share the high current, and a dual-loop control system is proposed to realize the bidirectional energy flow and achieve input voltage balance in series modules. A voltage balance scheme is also introduced to guarantee that the ultra-capacitor works reliably and efficiently, which consists of cells equalization in groups and voltage balancing between the groups. At last, a small scale prototype is build and the experimental results validate the feasibility of power conversion strategy.
Received: 21 January 2009
Published: 04 March 2014
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