A Method of Eliminating Adjacent Frequency Interference in Magnetic Field Measurement of Double Probe Fluxgate Magnetometer |
Tian Zheng1,2, Zhang Aibing1,2, Zhou Bin1, Ma Ling3, Guan Yibing1 |
1. National Space Science Center Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100190 China; 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100049 China; 3. School of Information and Electronics Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing 100081 China |
Abstract FY-4(A) satellite is equipped with high-precision fluxgate magnetometer, which is the first time in China to carry out high-precision magnetic field detection in GEO orbit. The dual probe gradient method is used to measure the residual magnetism of the satellite body to achieve high precision and reliability. The electronic box shared by the two probes reduces the weight of the instrument. However, because the dual probe magnetometer adopt independent frequency source with the same frequency, it brings the problem of adjacent frequency interference when the two probes work at the same time. This paper analyzes the cause of adjacent frequency interference and compares several methods to weaken the influence of electromagnetic wave space radiation. Finally, the processing methods of enlarging the frequency difference of frequency source and adding two-stage active low-pass filter at the output of preamplifier are used. The experimental results show that the methods can attenuate the adjacent frequency interference amplitude by more than 2 orders of magnitude, which can meet the task requirements, and fundamentally solve the adjacent frequency interference problem in the measurement scheme of fluxgate magnetometer with double probe gradient method.
Received: 15 June 2020
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