Design and Research on Parameter of LCL Filter in Three-Phase Grid-Connected Inverter |
Liu Fei1, Zha Xiaoming1, Duan Shanxu2 |
1. WuHan University Wuhan 430072 China 2. Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074 China |
Abstract Because LCL filter needs smaller inductance value comparing to L type filter at the same performance in harmonic suppression, it is gradually used in high-power and low-frequency current-source-controlled grid-connected converters. However design work of LCL filter parameter not only relates to switch frequency ripple attenuation, but also impacts on performance of grid-connected current controller. First of all, this paper introduces a harmonic model of LCL filter in grid-connected operation, secondly researches the variable relationship among LCL filter’s parameter and resonance frequency and high-frequency ripple attenuation. In order to achieve optimal effect under the precondition of saving inductance magnetic core of LCL filter, a reasonable design method is brought out based on above analysis. Furthermore the method can guarantee that the resonance frequency of LCL filter is not too small to impact current controller design. Finally this design method is verified by the experimental results.
Received: 11 January 2009
Published: 04 March 2014
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