No Interconnection Parallel Inverter System Based on Instantaneous Inductive Current Control |
Ju Hongxin, Zou Zhaoping, Liang Hai |
Beijing Automation Technical Research Institute Beijing 100009 China |
Abstract Conventional parallel inverter system always includes control interconnection. It is not easy to be parallel connected and causes more serious interference also. A digital parallel inverter system without interconnection is designed in this paper. Considering the resistor part influence of output impedance on its power characteristic, the system is controlled by double closed loop of instantaneous output voltage, which based on inductive current feedback. This control strategy can improve the output impedance performance of the inverter; therefore the droop theory can be applied correctly in this paper. At last, the parallel operation without interconnection of two 1kW inverter samples controlled by DSP (digital signal processor) is implemented successfully.
Received: 20 December 2008
Published: 04 March 2014
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