Resident Shiftable Loads Monitoring Based on Load States Set Correlation Analysis |
Wang Xiaoci1, Dong Shufeng1, Wang Li2, Yu Zhiwen2, Zhu Jiaqi1 |
1. College of Electrical Engineering Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China; 2. Guangzhou Power Supply Company Co. Ltd Guangzhou 510620 China |
Abstract To guide residents to participate demand response, a shiftable load monitoring algorithm was proposed based on the analysis of load states set correlation. Firstly, a sliding average method was introduced to extract the load states, which extracts load’s working states from its current value and form the load states set. Then load states set correlation analysis model was established, load states correlation and load characteristic time could be obtained by using FP-Growth solver. The former leads to a strong-correlated loads set from the data of daily electricity demand, while the latter determines whether the loads set is shiftable and the time period of being shiftable. The daily shiftable loads monitoring was achieved from both results, which can provide necessary data to distributed control of resident demand response and optimization of household energy management.
Received: 29 December 2019
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