Islanding Detection Methods for Multiple PV Converters System |
Liu Fangrui, Duan Shanxu, Kang Yong, Zhang Yu |
Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074 China |
Abstract Due to the development of distributed generation, grid-connected converters are widely employed for renewable energy sources utilization. The islanding detection is a mandatory function for such converters. It usually injects perturbations in the converters’ output to improve islanding detection effectiveness. The current research is mainly focusing on the islanding detection of individual converter. This paper is dedicated to investigating the strategies for multiple PV grid-connected converters operation. The characteristics of normally used active frequency shift and active phase shift islanding detection methods in multiple converters system are explored. The design principle and parameters selection rule of the two strategies are also presented. It provides basic islanding detection design guidance for multiple PV grid-connected converters system.
Received: 01 March 2009
Published: 04 March 2014
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