Research on Ballistic Attitude Measurement of Projectile in Electromagnetic Launcher |
Li Songcheng, Lu Junyong, Cheng Long, Li Xiangping |
National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Vessel Integrated Power System Naval University of Engineering Wuhan 430033 China |
Abstract Electromagnetic launcher is a new type of electrical equipment, which relies on electromagnetic energy to push projectiles out of the chamber at a very fast speed. Aiming at the problem of ballistic attitude measurement of projectile, a method of attitude measurement based on high-speed camera technology and image enhancement and edge extraction post-processing technology is proposed. Because the projectile moves very fast, this paper uses high-speed camera technology to shoot the projectile in flight. At the same time, considering the limitations of camera hardware and shooting conditions, this paper proposes an image enhancement algorithm based on gamma transform and two-type fuzzy sets to improve image contrast and clarity. Further, this paper extracts image edge based on SUSAN algorithm and morphological operation, and uses iterative polynomial fitting method based on least square principle to extract projectile attitude. Finally, the credibility of this method is verified by experiments
Received: 18 November 2019
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