Research on Rural Photovoltaic Trading Pattern Based on Price-Based Demand Response under Marketization Environment of Distributed Generation |
Tu Qingyu1, Miao Shihong1, Zhang Di1, Li Lixing1, Zhao Jian2 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology Hubei Electric Power Security and High Efficiency Key Laboratory School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074 China; 2. State Grid Henan Electric Power Company Electric Power Research Institute Zhengzhou 450052 China |
Abstract At present,the low degree of rural photovoltaic marketization makes its construction rely heavily on the support of national poverty alleviation funds.In order to promote the process that rural photovoltaic achieves independent revenue,it is necessary to propose a proper rural photovoltaic market-oriented trading pattern.To this end,a price-based demand response trading pattern for rural photovoltaic is proposed in this paper to improve photovoltaic sales revenue and local consumption rate.Firstly,the main behaviors of the transaction-related entities were analyzed,and then trading modes under active and non-active participation of users were proposed.Secondly,on account of the characteristics of photovoltaic power supply,the pricing strategy for photovoltaic generators was proposed.On this basis,considering the active and non-active participation of power users in the transactions,and further considering the two strategies which include the fixed price and the peak-valley price that the power grid may adopt,the response model of power users were established respectively.Finally,based on actual data of a photovoltaic poverty alleviation project in a township,simulation was conducted and the results verified the effectiveness of the proposed trading pattern.
Received: 29 October 2019
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