Two-Stage Converter of High Voltage Input Low Voltage Multi-Output |
Wen Zhenlin, Ruan Xinbo, Ren Xiaoyong, Li Mingqiu |
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing 210016 China |
Abstract 270V high-voltage direct current (HVDC) power system is a preferred option of the advanced aircraft’s power supply system, with the increased capacity of the aircraft’s power supply, different levels of voltage output are required to meet the various on-board electronic equipments’ demand. In the applications of high-voltage input low-voltage multi-output occasions, the traditional converters have these problems, such as the uncontrolled duty ratio, the awful coupling of the windings of the transformer, and the poor cross-adjusted rate. In order to solve these problems, a two-stage converter is composed of a traditional isolated converter and a non-isolated one is proposed in this paper. It can avoid which often come up against in traditional converter design. Based on the analysis of the stability of the converter, a prototype with 200V to 300V input, four outputs including 12V/2A, -12V/1A, 3.3V/6A and 5V/10A is fabricated and tested in the lab, and the results are given in this paper.
Received: 14 August 2009
Published: 04 March 2014
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