Growth Characteristics of Electric Tree for Nano-SiO2/Epoxy Resin Modified by Hyperbranched Polyester |
Yang Guoqing1,2, Liu Geng1,2, Wang Deyi1,2, Wang Chuang1,2, Li Jiaxin3 |
1. State Key Laboratory Base of Eco-Hydraulic Engineering in Arid Area Xi’an University of Technology Xi’an 710048 China; 2. Institute of Water Resource and Hydroelectric Engineering Xi’an University of Technology Xi’an 710048 China; 3. State Grid Shaanxi Power Company Xi’an Power Supply Bureau Xi’an 710032 China |
Abstract In order to study the influence of Hyperbranched Polyester interface modification on the growth characteristics of electrical tree for nano-SiO2/EP, the nanocomposites filled with different content were prepared by chemical grafting and plasma assisted grafting. Then, the partial discharge and electrical tree development experiments were investigated by a needle-plate electrode system. Experimental results show that deep traps of 0.99~1.53eV are observed in the nanocomposites modified by plasma-assisted grafting. The partial discharge inception voltage reaches a peak value of 14.5kV at 3% filling content, which is 55.9% higher than that of pure EP. And the electrical tree resistance is optimal at 5% filling content. Moreover, the complexity of electrical tree is higher at the same filling content. This paper indicates that plasma-assisted grafting enhances the bond strength of the nanocomposites interface and introduces deep traps in the interface area, which in turn improves the electrical tree resistance of nano-SiO2/EP.
Received: 02 September 2019
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