A Four-Phase Four-Leg Power Electronics Converter for Active Magnetic Bearing Drive |
Hu Zaidong, Jiang Dong, Sun Hongbo |
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074 China |
Abstract Power amplifier is a key component in active magnetic bearing (AMB) system. Based on the relationship of four winding-currents in the 8-pole radial bearing, this paper analyzes the feasibility of a four-phase four-leg power electronic converter. The common phase-leg used in some topologies of AMB drive has been removed in the proposed novel topology. Only four phase-legs are required to control four winding-currents, which realizes the optimal use of the device and reduces the cost and converter volume. Moreover, the control principle and modulation mode of the novel converter have been analyzed. The two sets of winding current control adopt the opposite carrier to reduce the winding current ripple. According to the influence analysis of inductance asymmetry on current control, a solution was proposed using PI controllers with different parameters. Meanwhile, the influence on position control was further analyzed when the inductance asymmetry cannot be fully compensated. The simulations were carried out, and the established prototype was tested on a four-axis AMB test rig. The results show that the topology can meet the control requirements in AMB drive, and can effectively reduce the cost and volume of the converter.
Received: 19 July 2019
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